Each year, statistics show that the number of newly diagnosed cancers, but increases with the progress in diagnosis and treatment also means that more and more lives are saved. Not surprisingly, more people could survive cancer if they are the most common signs and symptoms than ever, that the cancer is diagnosed the better the search had known cure.
This article is a summary of the main symptoms that are often affected by the more experiencedcommon forms of cancer. These symptoms can vary between individuals and may be that some people take all the symptoms, others just one or maybe two.
Most frequent cancer among men
· Prostate Cancer
Most frequently occurring cancer among women
· Breast cancer
The most common cancers for both men and women
· Lung Cancer
• Colon / rectum
The following are the most common symptoms, the victim of these tumors can occur and whatcan help to ensure early diagnosis:
Symptoms of prostate cancer
The first symptoms of prostate cancer are often ignored until they start a plague.
These symptoms are:
· The inability to urinate, even if the person has the desire to go to
· Prolonged urination that may take longer than normal to complete
· Frequent urination that is worse at night
· The feeling of having to urinate more, even ifThere is no more
· Slight incontinence caused by the bubble which disclosed the last drops of urine
Unfortunately, the same symptoms can be caused by at least two other denunciations of the prostate and the diagnosis of prostate cancer is often delayed, it means one of two conditions is masked.
The symptoms of breast cancer
It 'very rare to watch for symptoms of breast cancer, the disease to one of the first. If symptoms occur, usually have onlyImpact on one breast and may include:
· A lump in the breast that is painless and is usually deep in the breast tissue or are directly under the skin
· Dents in the area of skin lumps, or swelling of the skin with an "orange peel" appearance
· Inversion of nipple
? Following bloody secretions
When breast cancer is not treated can quickly located close to the lymph nodes and other organs like the lung, liverand bone, causing symptoms. Breast cancer statistics show that the number of newly diagnosed cases remains constant, the number of victims is declining. This may be because of advances in treatment, however, may also be, because awareness of breast cancer is now one of the major issues in public.
Lung Cancer Symptoms
The symptoms of lung cancer, how far advanced the tumor is dependent on the initial symptoms may include:
· A persistent newCough or a change in a long-standing cough, sometimes with blood sputum
· Chest pain, which, like a dull ache or stabbing pain may feel worse for inhalation
· Shortness of breath
Gasp · when the tumor blocks an airway
· Abnormal curvature of the nails, as is known, clubbing
Secondary means that lung cancer arises in other parts of the body and travels to the lungs, can not cause any symptoms, or alternatively very mildSymptoms and therefore experience no symptoms even mild, should be a doctor as soon as possible please.
Colon Cancer Symptoms
Although colorectal cancer can go undetected for a number of years and, if the first symptoms are caused by less serious conditions. The symptoms, depending on where they belong:
The presence, of blood in the stool
Anemia · Namely, pale skin, fatigue, etc.
· A change in bowel movements is normal for more than a few days
? FollowingFeelings of others in need of feces, even if they
· Other gastrointestinal symptoms, namely nausea, vomiting, bloating, stomach cramps or a constant stomach ache, gas trapped.
Although these symptoms are early symptoms are actually symptoms later is described, and not infrequently, cancer at a late stage, when finally diagnosed. In some cases, the primary tumor, which means that the bowel does not show all the symptoms and sufferingmerely recognizes that they are sick, if the tumor is in other parts of the body and secondary symptoms spreads felt.